Spicy Shrimp Curry
Spicy Shrimp Curry -- just typing those words makes my mouth water y'all! If you're scared to make Thai food at home, then this recipe is for YOU (spoiler alert I used to be too)!
Quite frankly, there aren't very many good Thai or Asian food restaurants in Mississippi -- which is such a bummer. Growing up in West Texas, we always had a few that were AMAZING! This recipe was inspired by my favorite dish to order back home. I prefer super simple with the flavor turned way up!
Confession time -- up until the past year or two I had never attempted to make Thai food at home either. And to be honest, I'm mad at myself for not being brave enough to it try sooner! Now, this recipe is on constant repeat in our household and it's SUPER easy! The most intimating thing about Thai recipes are the foreign ingredients. I promise once you muster up the courage to make this, you will be hooked!
There are only four ingredients that essentially make this a Thai food recipe. All of which can be found in the "Asian" section of your local grocery store!
Coconut milk
Red curry paste
Ginger paste
Bamboo shoots
I don't know why but I always assumed that making my own red curry dish at home would be superrrrr complicated and call for 20+ ingredients. This is so not the case! :)
Cannot wait for y'all to try this recipe and to hear what y'all think!

Spicy Shrimp Curry
Store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 days.